Pregnancy Workout Plan: The Ultimate Guide

Pregnancy Workout Plan: The Ultimate Guide


Pregnancy is an extremely special time in a woman's life, filled with anticipation and excitement — but it can also bring about physical changes that may be challenging. 

That's why exercise during pregnancy is so crucial. Not only does it help manage these changes, but it also prepares your body for childbirth and boosts your mood. Think of it as a gentle way of ushering your body into this new phase of life.

Today, we’re going to provide you with a pregnancy workout plan that can help you stay physically active. We can’t forget the importance of nutrition during this time, too — we’ll also provide you with some nutritional tips that can support your efforts, such as the powers of omega-3 fats during pregnancy. 

Why Is Physical Activity Important During Pregnancy?

Staying active during pregnancy isn’t just about maintaining your physical health — it's also about nurturing your emotional well-being. 

Staying active helps manage weight gain during pregnancy. It’s completely natural, healthy, and expected that you gain some weight during this time, but regular exercise can ensure that this gain stays within a healthy range.

Exercise can also support your cardiovascular health, making it easier for your body to cope with the increased demands of pregnancy. It also strengthens your muscles, which can be a real benefit during childbirth.

Physical activity is a fantastic mood booster, too. Pregnancy can sometimes feel like an emotional roller coaster, but regular exercise can help support a healthy mood.1

Lastly, exercise may help support healthy GI functioning and provide sleep benefits. It can also help you sleep better, which is a bonus for any expecting mother.

What Are Safe and Effective Exercises for Pregnancy?

Navigating the world of pregnancy workouts can certainly be challenging, especially if it’s your first time being pregnant. 

Low-impact exercises are your best friends during pregnancy — these are exercises that are gentle on your joints and don’t require you to maintain balance or bounce around. Think walking, swimming, or cycling on a stationary bike. These activities are fantastic for improving your cardiovascular health without putting undue stress on your joints. Plus, they can be easily adapted to your fitness level and how you're feeling on any given day.

Moderate-intensity aerobic activities are also great during pregnancy. These are exercises that will get your heart rate up but still allow you to talk without gasping for breath. Dancing, low-impact aerobics, and brisk walking are all great options. They help improve your fitness, manage weight gain, and can even help your body prepare for labor.

Strength training is often overlooked during pregnancy, but it can play a crucial role in supporting your changing body, too. Gentle resistance and strength training exercises can help strengthen your muscles and improve your posture. Plus, strong muscles will be a great asset during labor. Just remember to avoid exercises that involve lying flat on your back or lifting heavy weights above your head.

With any physical activity during pregnancy, it’s important to consult your doctor for personalized advice and guidance. This will help ensure that you and your baby stay safe.

How Should a Pregnancy Workout Plan Change by Trimester?

A pregnancy workout plan isn't a one-size-fits-all kind of deal. As your body changes and your baby grows, your workout routine should adapt, too.2

During the first trimester, you might be battling morning sickness and fatigue. Gentle exercises like walking or prenatal yoga can be ideal during this time, as they help maintain your fitness without draining your energy reserves.

As you move into the second trimester, you might find yourself with more energy. This is a great time to incorporate more moderate-intensity aerobic activities and strength training into your routine. Just remember to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard.

By the third trimester, your growing belly might make some exercises more challenging. Focus on low-impact exercises like swimming, which can help relieve swelling and discomfort. Gentle yoga and stretching can also help prepare your body for labor.

Remember, every pregnancy is unique, and what works for one person might not work for another. Always listen to your body and consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise routine.

What Are the Precautions To Keep in Mind While Exercising During Pregnancy?

While exercise during pregnancy is beneficial, we must remember that this is a special time when your body is undergoing significant changes. Therefore, some precautions are necessary to ensure a safe and healthy workout routine.

It's essential to listen to your body and understand its signals. If you feel dizzy, faint, short of breath, or experience any pain, it's a sign to slow down or stop exercising. Remember, this isn't the time to push your limits. The goal is to maintain a level of fitness that supports your pregnancy, not to set new personal records.

Hydration and nutrition can't be overstated during pregnancy. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workout. 

Always seek medical advice before starting or changing your workout routine during pregnancy. What may be safe for one person may not be ideal for another, so it's crucial to have a personalized plan that suits your body and pregnancy.

How Can Nutrition Support a Pregnancy Workout Plan?

A well-rounded diet plays an essential role in supporting not only your pregnancy but also your fitness routine. Eating a balanced diet provides the energy you need to stay active, the essential nutrients to keep you and your baby healthy, and the recovery tools your body needs after a workout.

Here’s what to keep in mind:

  • Proteins: These are the building blocks for your body's cells. They are essential for your growing baby and your own muscle repair after a workout. Good sources of protein include lentils, chickpeas, tofu, and quinoa.
  • Carbohydrates: They are your body's preferred source of energy, fueling your workouts and supporting your daily activities. Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables are excellent sources of healthy carbohydrates.
  • Healthy Fats: These are crucial for your baby's brain and eye development and your own heart health. Avocados, chia seeds, and fatty fish are great sources of healthy fats.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: These nutrients play countless roles, from bone health to immunity, and are needed in abundance during pregnancy. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts are packed with various vitamins and minerals.
  • Fiber: Let's not forget fiber, which can help manage those common pregnancy-related digestive issues. Foods like oats, lentils, and berries are high in fiber.

Why Are Omega-3 Fatty Acids Important During Pregnancy? 

Omega-3 fats play a pivotal role in a pregnant woman's diet — yet research shows that many prenatal vitamins are lacking sufficient amounts of these key fatty acids. 

One study analyzed 20,547 supplements on the US markets, and only one product was found to contain the target doses for vitamins A and D, folate, calcium, iron, and omega 3. Most importantly, the levels of omega-3 fatty acids and iron were found to have the greatest insufficiencies.

iwi life's plant-based Prenatal Omega-3 Multivitamin is an excellent source of these essential fats, in addition to other key nutrients like vitamins A, B12, C, and D3 in addition to folate, iron, magnesium, and more. This supplement is designed to support your wellness journey during pregnancy and beyond — in fact, prenatal vitamins can have benefits before, during, and after pregnancy, including while breastfeeding.

What really sets iwi life's omega-3s apart from the other options is their source: algae. The algae-derived, pre-formed DHA omega-3 fats in these supplements are more effective than the alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) found in other plant foods. They’re also highly bioavailable, which means your body can absorb and utilize them more efficiently. Plus, they’re sustainably farmed, making them a choice you can feel good about.

The Bottom Line

A well-planned workout regime can help you embrace the physical changes that come with growing a new life, preparing your body for the ultimate endurance event: childbirth. However, it requires the right support, and that's where nutrition steps in.

A balanced diet, rich in essential nutrients, is the perfect partner to your pregnancy workout plan. It fuels your exercises, supports recovery, and ensures that both you and your baby get what you need for optimal health.

iwi life's plant-based Prenatal Omega-3 Multivitamins are a fantastic addition to this nutritional plan. Derived from sustainable algae, these supplements provide essential DHA omega-3, which is crucial for your baby's development and your own health. They also include crucial minerals like iron and zinc, and the addition of polar lipids and chlorophyll helps level up the health benefits to provide even more support for your wellness. Plus, they're plant-based, making them a great choice for a diverse range of diets.

As you start your pregnancy workout journey, consider adding iwi life's omega-3 supplements to your routine. They're more than just a supplement — they're a commitment to your health, your baby's development, and a more sustainable future. Explore our range of products and experience the benefits of plant-based omega-3 today.


  1. Kołomańska D, Zarawski M, Mazur-Bialy A. Physical Activity and Depressive Disorders in Pregnant Women-A Systematic Review. Medicina (Kaunas). 2019 May 26;55(5):212. doi: 10.3390/medicina55050212. PMID: 31130705; PMCID: PMC6572339.
  2. Doss, L. Safe Pregnancy Exercises For Each Trimester: Prenatal Workouts. National Academy of Sports Medicine.


Physical Activity and Depressive Disorders in Pregnant Women—A Systematic Review | PMC

Safe Pregnancy Exercises for Each Trimester: Prenatal Workouts | NASM

Guidelines for Physical Activity during Pregnancy: Comparisons From Around the World | PMC

World Health Day 2023: Prenatal supplements lacking correct dose for six key nutrients, study flags | Nutrition Insight

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